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How do you Sell your Property in Rosarito Beach?
If you’re thinking about selling your property in 2019 for the most amount of money but in the least amount of time, there are two main things you should be thinking about. Pricing and traffic.
Unfortunately, here in Rosarito, we do not have any comps and that information is not public, so it is very important that you get a very knowledgeable agent, an agent that knows the community that has sold homes there before. So, do not hesitate in asking them all the right questions.
Make sure that your agent can give you the online traffic through websites or social media. In, not only we do those things, but we also have a database that we email to, which is exclusively looking into this area, so as you can see, what’s really important here, is the agent that you choose so, look thoroughly and make sure you are working with professionals.
Ask them the right questions, for example, have you sold in this development/neighborhood before? , let me look at one of your listings.
If you look at their listings, make sure they have professional photographs, that their description is longer than a one-sentence, all those things matter, also if they have an office because you could be surprised.
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