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Mary Ellen Ward, Certified Public Accountant

Meet Mary Ellen Ward, a professional and certified public accountant in Rosarito Beach

Mary Ellen Ward is a certified public accountant living in Rosarito Beach for over 20 years, helping to the U.S. citizens who live and have a business in Mexico, doing tax preparation, QuickBooks and accounting services.

Mary Ellen is a professional and reliable accountant, licensed in the U.S. which means that she can practice and offer her services to small business there too.

One of the things that Mary Ellen includes in her services, is the fact that she can provide an integral service making an easy way to her clients, as she can go to their homes or offices and make the work or even she can help on teaching how to do it. She has several clients in the U.S. and Mexico, from Tijuana to Ensenada.

Mary Ellen Ward Services

• Tax Preparation

• A quick box accounting services

• Personal accountant services

• Business accountant services

• Tax returns

• Accounting

Buying or Selling in the Rosarito Beach Area? Call Us!

1 (760) 203-2227 | U.S.

52 (661) 688-1222 | MX

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